iphone-6 According to the rumors of the last few days, Apple plans to reveal the iPhone 6 and the final details of iOS 8 in a special event that will take place in the middle of September, most likely in the second and third week of the month.

At the event, the smallest iPhone (4.7″) will definitely be presented, with the final decision for the bigger 5.5″ “brother” still up in the air. Apple is currently working feverishly on the development of iOS 8 that will come pre-installed on its new devices, the fifth and (probably) final beta of which will be released on Monday, August 4. The golden master version will be completed by the end of August or early next month at the latest.

Finally, there is a high possibility that a second event will take place in October where the latest details of OS X Yosemite will be presented as well as the company's long-awaited smartwatch.

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